Tuesday, November 30, 2010

[iMtiaz@Maz & IsHah’s weddiNg] – Part 2

Dari Sg Kemahal ke Temerloh, smpat kami mghilangkan sisa dahaga dgn air jambu (air tasik…spt kata syazrin). Tapi, sedap….oh lupe, ktorg smpat blaja geografi skjap, mgkaji bape daerah dlm ng pahang..hihi…adakah Triang salah satunya?? Sila jawab…haha…Strusnya, kami melalui jalan2 sekitar Temerloh dgn di lead olh Abduh, saja je dia nak pusing ikut area rumah dia. Finally, smpai di Jengka 18 dh nak dekat kul 3.00 petang, orang mmg dah xbape nak ada. Yang tinggal, blaka2 penanggah je kut, khemah pun dah nak kena runtuh..haha…1st time pergi kenduri lewat bebenor..tp, oleh sbb pengantin tau, so kami xbape nak kisah. Biasalah, orang jauh. So, kami terus menapak ke rumah, jeng..jeng..jeng…Aishah tengah posing maut punye..haha…mmg the perfect timingla kmi terjah. Tp, seperti biasa, Aishah is Aishah…sama je lagaknya.. sebelum ke sesi photo seterusnya, kami pi melantak dlu, the best thing is, siap ada org hidang sgala. Ni yang best pi kenduri lewat…+++ seperiuk gulai tempoyak ikan patin diorng bagi. Siap dilantak sungguh2 olh Dyana & Jue…so, xjadilah kami singgah mn2 umah trdekat untk mask gulai tmpoyak ikan patin..haha..ye..ye je. Sedap..tapi agak pedas.
Then, oleh kerana msa tu baru lepas sesi potong kek, so, kami pun mencelah utk sama-sama makan kek…smentara tggu ishah tukar baju. Best kan dtg lewat?? Hehe…kemudian, kami mneruskn sesi photo shoot, kali ni smpat la beberapa keping pic ngan pengantin..esp, pngantin perempuan la…selamba je Aishah tinggl pngantin lelaki dia kat bilik. Lepas dh mcm2 jenis gaya ktorg snap, time to go back la…xnak nak kacau diorg nak wat outdoor photo shoot kan…Geng Temerloh beransur lebih awal sbb jiran Firah meninggal dunia…so, the remains, geng KL je la.

Next destination, JEngka 19, umah sapa lagi..umah en Naim Marsidi, ktorg minum petang kat situ..air teh ‘o’ ais laici + tembikai + kerepek pisang & maruku pe tah….sempat2 men2 dgn anak sedara en naim yg sngat la sopan…dan kami smpat juga plan the next xtvt….mid nite movie…survey punye survey, Harry Potter & the Deadly Hallow, kat Cathay Cineplexes, Damansara kul 12.05am. orait..set! Booked!!. kemudian, kami bertolak balik, smpat singgah di Kg Paya Luas utk mghantar Oya ke rumah mak sedaranya. Sempat oya bagi souvenir dr Sarawak, key chain ‘kucing’. Comel…thanks oya.

Lepas tu, kami singgh di Tmn Temerloh Jaya (eh..betulke?...), umah parents gha utk rehat & solat. Sempat kami mandi & tukar baju siap…+ solat + dinner…hehe…that’s why, sume prepare bawa extra baju..this things wil usually happen., right. Dalam kul 9mlm, kami bertolak pulang. Nsib baik jugaklah Nissan dyana xmeragam kat depan parents gha..huhu..perjalanan diteruskan ke Damansara. Segar semacam sbb sumenya dh mandi…alhamdulillah, smooth journey. Sampai je kat depan The Curve, jam dh kul 11.15mlm..huhu…apalagi, dyana & gha trus wat audition amazing race utk ke kaunter tiket, smentara yg len, cari tpt parking. Fortunately, tiket kami dah release tp xde org bli lagi..so, dat’s wil be our chance to watch the movie. Hoye..!!! sbb blaka2 fan cite Harry Potter..tu yang xkisah je w/pun Aina dh tgk movie ni..hehe

2 hours ++, jam dh hmpir kul 3.00am…but seriously, w/pun xde ending cz brsmbung part II, cite dia mmg best…berbaloi la. Lg berbaloi sbb hg tiket kami RM 2.50 je sorang..hehe..(credit to Oya..thanks a lot). Balik time…aku & gha trus ke umah Dayana…syazrin & aina hantar bodyguard kami, En Ezham ke Cheras & kemudian, akan lepak umah Dyana gak. Lastly, kul 4.30am juga kami sampai umah Dayana. A journey yg mmg amat memenatkan..tapi, seriously sangat2 berbaloi & seronok. Thanks a lot to all of you..esp Dyana, cik driver kami. So, rasanya, plan yg kt cdg-cdg nk watt u xrelevan nak diteruskan kan…haha…

the next day, tengahari gak kami brtolak pulang dri umah Dayana. Aku, gha, Syzrin & Aina berpisah di tol sg. BEsi, dgn aku & gha nak teruskan journey kami ke Masjid Jamek.Shopping!!!...hehe…bukan pe pun, teman gha pi cari jubah utk ayahnya, yang the end, xde plak yg berkenan..penat gaklah berpusing-pusing kat area masjid Jamek & jalan TAR tu…last2, Gha shopping blouse & tudung barang sehelai…kul 5 lebih, kami bertolak pulang. Sempat melantak cendol ice cream…{dayana, jgn jeles…}. Sudahnya, kul 10.30mlm…kami dah syahid.. huhu…penat. Rasa cam travel berhari2 je…REPORT DONE!

# entah bila lagi kt nak travel & lepak camni lagi kan…sorang2 dah kawin, lepas aishah, wil be syzrin…then, maybe aja, amirah & etc for the next year. ++ dyana wil further study in JB next month…the remains??haha….we’ll see.

Monday, November 29, 2010

[iMtiaz@Maz & IsHah’s weddiNg] – Part 1

Location: Sg Kemahal, Triang & Jengka 18
Date : 27/11/2010
Participant : Rombongan from KL (Me, Dyana, Syazrin, G-ha, Aina, Oya, Naim & Ezham) ++ rombongan from Temerloh (Abduh, Jue & Firah).

Lps brdiskusi pnjang tru fb, finally nama2 yg trcatat diatas shj yg join rombongan kali ni. [Kesian kat Aja..yg trpaksa mmbatalkan hasrat join ktorg atas sbb peribadi..hehe…’single is simple…’]. Aku & gha, as usual, brtolak dr rumah kul 7.15 sbb nak mngejar msa, konon2nye nk brkumpul di Terminal Putra kul 8.21 waktu Dyana. Ikut plan, kami akn tnggu en Naim di stesen Putra sblm sama-sama Gombak. Atas sbb bas terawal dr rumah En Naim pun kul 6.40pg, so, tepaksalah kami mnunggu beliau hampir ½ jam kat stesn LRT kerinchi..Then, kami truskn prjalann ke Terminal Putra. Tepat jam 8.49pg, kami smpai kat Terminal Putra (ikut jam yg tertera) dgn hrapan diorg dh sedia mnunggu. Tapi…kami kena tnggu lgi. Smpatla mmbeli belah bekal sarapan…then, brulah nampak kelibat CBD-BD..(gelaran Syazrin utk Wira Aina..). Surprise!!!! Jupe Oya….emm, first time aku & gha jupe oya lepas kuar TAHAP..huhu…a few minutes later, brulah nmpak kelibat Nissan cik Dyana.

Perjalann diteruskan….dr GOmbak ke Karak & keluar ikut jalan biasa (atas suggestion en Ezham, nak expolore katanya) untuk ke Sg Kemahal, Triang. The surprise is…haila…jln ni mcm ular kena palu daaa…nyaris2 ktorg nak brhenti breakfast kat Kedai Nasi LEmak Syazrin..tp, sbb nak kejar masa, xjadilah. Tapi, nasib baik gak tak melantak kan gha…emm, sian gha. Emm…impress dgn peta kat kad kawin maz, sume landmark dr Karak lg ada…xsusah kmi nak cari jalan. Then, smpai di Sg. KEmahal, singgh sebentar di msjid, nyaris2 kami disangka rombongn dr pihak lelaki..haha…Jam dh kul 11 lebih..teuslah kami menapak ke rumah pengantin. Sesampai je kami, bertembung dgn rombongan Ijan & kwnnya dr Seremban. & a few minutes later, rombongan dr Temerloh pun sampai. Emm, makanan xsiap serve lagi..kami menapak ke bilik Maz di tingkat atas rumahnya (rumah kayu yang cantik..spt yg diidam2kn cik Dyana kan..). Maz pun bru siap…means, kejap lagi pengantin lelaki akn smpai…so, kami pun melantak la dlu. Selesai, kami ambik port kat tepi pelamin..sbb jap lagi pengantin dh nak nek pelamin. As usual, sesi photo shoot pun bermula. Sempat la kami menyelit barang sekeping dua kat pelamin, sedihnya, w/out pengantin sbb diorg nak turun makan. Sempat sekeping je mnyelit masa diorg tgh makan, tp not my camera, Pentex en Naim… Then, oleh sbb, kami ada misi yang strusnya, utk terjah Jengka 18. so, kami pun beransur dr Sg Kemahal. Sempat bersolat di masjid Sg Kemahal sblm mnruskn prjalan ke destinasi seterusnya.

Sila baca next entry plak yee…for the part 2. chill!!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

[Silence MODE…]

I’m making the biggest history today…for my self actually. I even didn’t realize it. Suddenly, it does happen…2 ½ year working, I’m never wear ‘baju kurung’ on Friday, usually I’m wearing blouse. Its actually my habit since study, coz normally, I didn’t have any class on Friday or maybe just have one class in the morning, so, usually, I’m wearing blouse or t-shirt on that day when I’m going to faculty. Its just happen like that..and become a habit.

Honestly, I’m not mentally normal today. That’s maybe the reason. I just pick up the next ‘baju kurung’ I should wear. (Well, I’m actually a systematic person, usually, I follow the sequence..). Suppose, I pick up the next blouse…or maybe, I forget today is Friday already.

Then, I deeply thinking…sometimes, people didn’t realize. They might do the unusual things when their mind is not feeling well…haha..it just happen to me. What can I say? ...nothing. Coz I already sit in front of my PC, wearing ‘baju kurung’ today. Lets bygone..be bygone. Its doesn’t matter, as long as I’m wearing the proper dress, right.

The problem is, what’s I’m thinking of right now…for this time being, there is no solution yet. Or maybe, got already, but I’m not sure whether the solution is the best or not…I keep thinking that in every second of time since last night. Surely, I can’t sleep well…++ I’m also dreaming an awful thing. Huh…terrible. It’s so troublesome. But the truth is there…I have to face it, whatever it is. I feel relieve a bit, coz I’m not do anything awful yet. Hope, it will never happen.. But, totally I’m not stable yet, I had just quarreled with someone..coz he did not call me back, telling me he can’t make it. He supposes to call me, so I can ask somebody else to do the job. Its totally urgent, cause I need to submit the document by today, I keep calling him since Monday, and he promise to make it. Just now, he told me, he got another job, that’s why he can’t make it…if that’s the reason, he should not promise me at the first place. He make me angry..totally. It is not my company, it’s your company. You should responsible…(it is another story from above…it just cause & effect relationship..hehe..).

Ok done..maybe, I need to be calm…its ok if I feel angry with the right person. It is totally not okay, if I suddenly angry with other person. But, surely, never mess up with me for this time being, cause, I’m not sure I can control my emotions…huhu…but, I have problem in determination of my anger…silence mode, it’s usually I’m doing. Or maybe crying….haha…that’s the best solution, right. ~

# May Allah Bless us….ujian itu kaffarah dosa. Jika itu takdirnya, kami redha…moga, kau kurniakan kami kekuatan untuk menghadapinya. Kerna, hanya Kau Yang Berkuasa atas segalanya.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

[Whatever it is…we’ll support you]

Sangat kecewa…sangat sedih..but, the truth is there. We loss…kita terlepas pingat emas. Tapi, walau sekecewa mana pun kita, sesedih mana pun kita…kta tak mampu nak bayangkan kekecewaan & kesedihan diorang sume yg brjuang bermati-matian utk merebut emas buat Negara. Sedang mereka menggalas harapan Negara dgn selangkah lagi dapat menggengam emas, nyata, rezeki bukan brpihak pada kita. Lalu, kenapa pula kita harus menuding jari kesalahan pada mereka. Mungkin ada serba sedikit kesalahan yang tidak sengaja dilakukan..tapi, nyata, it’s a game..and they just a human like us. Not perfect…kalah menang itu adatnya. Janganlah pula kita meyorak kemenangan mereka, tapi, bila kalah..di hentam habis-habisan. They are good fighter..they do their best, but it’s a fate…

Dato’ Lee Chong Wei, Koo-Tan, Takraw berpasukan…though you all got the silver, it’s okay, as long as you do your best. Coz we’ll support you till the end. Tapi, serius, sangat kecewa…sebab kita mengharap kilauan emas. I watch almost of their game…but, lets bygone be bygone…hope, Takraw will give something for us soon…thanks to Dato’ Nicol & Azlan..you both cheer up our day…then also for the other gold medalist, Chai Fong Yin, Azizul Hasni, Alex Liew & Adrian Ang….

9 gold medal is not impossible…though is really hard to get now…for all the Asian Games 2010 athlete..Gud luck!! Chaiyokk!!! Ganbatte ne…!!! We’ll support all of you..

Saturday, November 06, 2010

[The Awakening & The Struggle]

Just finish read part I & II The Vampire Diaries, novel version…by L.J Smith..
Will looking forward to read part III & IV – The Fury & Dark Reunion..
Bought from MPH…30% discount…well…its awesome right!!!

Season 1 for the series…ended already…
Emm…much more different for both versions…
Like there were different stories…
But the main character still the same…[Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Daman Salvatore, Katherine Pierce, Bonnie, Matt, Tyler Smallwood, Caroline Forbes, Alaric Saltzman…etc]
The different… [Meredith, Aunt Judith, Robert, Margaret…etc]...There are no such people in the series…
Jeremy, Elena brother [revealed to be her cousin]…his character not included in the novel...
Vickie Bennet in novel, seems like not being Matt’s sister [as my understanding]
Elena’s auntie in novel, turn her name to Aunt Judith..has fiancée named Robert.
Meredith knowns as Elena’s best friend other than Bonnie..
Damon is likely being more evil than the TV series…
Then, the novel is highlight as ‘Deadly Love Triangle” [totally playing around the main character]

The plot…little bit different... for attracting difference audience maybe..
That’s the special for both version..
That’s why, I love both…
And of course the novel is more complicated & detail….but quite interesting
Because it is out of my expectation…though I’m not totally understand every single words…still improving my vocabulary skill..well, that’s why we use dictionary right..

Ok then…seems like I love reading English novel lately…
Naaa…I’m still looking for JS Novel…soon to order their latest novel… [Set of three: Suka Saya, Ya? Suka Saya, Tidak, Warna & 3 campur 1 = SATU ~ I want to save the courier charges..hehe. That’s why I’m not buying yet..]
But, just after buying The Fury & Dark Reunion… How come I miss that one after finish the Part I & II…right??

The Fury??? Elena had been possessed by Damon already. Haiya….terrible!!!
That’s why I can’t wait to read the next volume…chill!!!

# Actually, I already bought the 2nd volume – The Fury & Dark Reunion…coz the discounted price will ended at the end of Oct. As usual, please avoid the grammar mistake...~

Monday, November 01, 2010

[iMtiaz@MidValley again….]

Unplanned gathering….
Sunday morning, got called from Aishah & Dayana, want to gather somewhere.
Incidentally, cik miza appoint me as her chaperone on that day…in MidValley, the strategic place ever..haha..

So, we just deal to meet there…though, on Saturday, I already going there to meet my dearest sis. Huh…already tired. But, I’m going there just after Sungkyunkwan Scandal finished [repeated version cz on Tuesday, Vampire Diaries sessions..hehe…].

Then, we meet at MidValley exhibition center..KLPF’10. well…its dayana. Finally, just three of us..cz the others still tired after attending Akmal’s wedding. Naa..its okay, its happen before. We just walking there…nothing to buy. Oh ya…sempat kami pusing-pusing kat exhibiton yang satu lagi, Indonesia mari. Sesambil, smpat Aishah capai flyer-flyer Bandung, for her future…definitely.

Lunch time…food junction. Ayam penyet,...thats my choice, together with Miza & Aishah…well, guess who we meet there….Mimi & G-joe…++ their baby girl on coming, just a few week more…they plan to watch movie, just after taking their lunch. Alang-alang, we lunch together. Sempat Aishah distributes her wedding card [w/pun, tuan punye card kata, compulsory…Insyaallah, akan diusahakan utk cuti, tp, xleh janji gak…huhu..]. So, biasalah, klu dah namanya jupe se-imtiaz, borak tak ingat dunia. But, its interesting right…that’s the beauty of imtiaz then…

Then, window shopping time….nothing much, jalan-jalan je…

Time to go back..Penat dowh…miza pun dh bgi signal nak balik, penat sangat katanya, sbb dia kluar umah kul 7pg lagi, survey tpt interview utk hari Isnin..++ mngantuk..haha..
So, around 5pm…kami pun berpisah…while hugging with Aishah, sempat dia pesan…27hb ok..haha…insyallah, I’m taking for granted.

# well miza…I’m the greatest chaperone on that day right??/…haha
~ pada kwn2 imtiaz yg rsa tersinggung tak diajak utk brjumpa-jumpaan, maaflah yee..its totally unplanned…klu plan pun, biasanya mesti korg dh ada plan lain, lagipun, bkn wat apa2 pun, lepak je…(^_-)p

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