Just finish read part I & II The Vampire Diaries, novel version…by L.J Smith..
Will looking forward to read part III & IV – The Fury & Dark Reunion..
Bought from MPH…30% discount…well…its awesome right!!!
Season 1 for the series…ended already…
Emm…much more different for both versions…
Like there were different stories…
But the main character still the same…[Stefan Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Daman Salvatore, Katherine Pierce, Bonnie, Matt, Tyler Smallwood, Caroline Forbes, Alaric Saltzman…etc]
The different… [Meredith, Aunt Judith, Robert, Margaret…etc]...There are no such people in the series…
Jeremy, Elena brother [revealed to be her cousin]…his character not included in the novel...
Vickie Bennet in novel, seems like not being Matt’s sister [as my understanding]
Elena’s auntie in novel, turn her name to Aunt Judith..has fiancée named Robert.
Meredith knowns as Elena’s best friend other than Bonnie..
Damon is likely being more evil than the TV series…
Then, the novel is highlight as ‘Deadly Love Triangle” [totally playing around the main character]
The plot…little bit different... for attracting difference audience maybe..
That’s the special for both version..
That’s why, I love both…
And of course the novel is more complicated & detail….but quite interesting
Because it is out of my expectation…though I’m not totally understand every single words…still improving my vocabulary skill..well, that’s why we use dictionary right..
Ok then…seems like I love reading English novel lately…
Naaa…I’m still looking for JS Novel…soon to order their latest novel… [Set of three: Suka Saya, Ya? Suka Saya, Tidak, Warna & 3 campur 1 = SATU ~ I want to save the courier charges..hehe. That’s why I’m not buying yet..]
But, just after buying The Fury & Dark Reunion… How come I miss that one after finish the Part I & II…right??
The Fury??? Elena had been possessed by Damon already. Haiya….terrible!!!
That’s why I can’t wait to read the next volume…chill!!!
# Actually, I already bought the 2nd volume – The Fury & Dark Reunion…coz the discounted price will ended at the end of Oct. As usual, please avoid the grammar mistake...~
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