Ni kali keempat aku tgk movie….haha…well, sbb aku rasa cam membazir je tgk movie dulu. Yelah, dulu ekonomi aku tak stabil….tapi skang, walaupun still tak bape nak stabil, but on considerable la if nak membazirkan duit utk menyumbng kepada penggiat seni yg berkenaan…lagipun ni salah satu slot lepak-lepak bersama kwn2 Imtiaz yang klu aku free, mmg agak mustahil utk aku xjoin…. Consider as part II after wedding Syazrin yg aku xpergi atas sebab…..KEJE.
Movie start 10.30pm, Cathay Cineplexes, Damansara. Reason tgk cite ni, emm…nak ambil jln tgh agaknya sbb ktorg berbalah kat fb nak tgk Narnia or Hantu Kak Limah Balik Rumah (yg xhabis2 dipromote olh gha atas pengaruh en Syukri aka Suki). Last2, cite di atas yg diorg book. Tak interview plak diorg kenapa diorg pick up that kind of movie. Title pun dah rasa cam horror je.. aku pun gamble je setuju.
Just a short synopsis, the story began, Sarah Plenkov (9 months pregnant lady) is watching TV, news about Riverton’s Ripper, a mysterious killer who stabbing teenage girl with a pocket knife with the word "vengeance" marked on the blade. While her husband, Abel Plenkov incidentally found the same knife under a chair. Then, si Abel pun call her psycologist doctor, yg mana dptlah disahkan bahwa si abel ada penyakit DID (dissociative identity disorder) or commonly kt panggil split personality/multiple personality disorder. Dia tak ingat yang dia dah bunuh a few teenage before. Si doktor trus call police & brgegas ke rumah si Abel smbil bg warning suruh isteri & anak perempuannya, Leah dihantar ke rumah kakaknya, May. Bila si Abel jenguk isterinya yg disangka dah tidur, he realize yg dia dah bunuh isterinya. Bila Leah dengar bunyi pelik, dia pun jenguk bilik parents nya & nmpak ayahnya nak bunuh diri + nmpak ibunya yg dh mati. Abel ternampak Leah & cuba utk bunuh dia juga tpi xsempat sebab police & Dr Blake dh dtg & shoot him. Bila diorg nak check dia dh mati or tak, si Abel ambil pistol polis & tembak kepala Dr Blake. Before si Abel mati, dia kata yg dia akn kembali. On the way ke hospital, a few police & paramedic discus psl pe yg si Abel ni ckp & kesimpulnnya, diorg kata the other side of Abel personality itu mcm soul which alwys live on. tetiba si Abel ni bangun & tikam paramedic ngan pisau, mnyebabkn ambulance tu acident & meletup. Fortunately, sume yg dlm ambulance selamat, but Abel manage to escape.
16 years later….rumors ttg Riverton’s Ripper trus mghantui Riverton esp pada ‘Riverton Seven’ yg lahir msa kejadian Riverton Ripper dibunuh, yakni Brandon si kaki buli perasan handsome yg jdi org suruhan Fang, Brittany si gadis yg jadi rebutan lelaki trmasuk Brandon & Bug, in the same time jd org suruhan Fang juga, Alex besfrenz Bug, Penelope si gadis gereja yg ada instinct sal Ripper & obses dgn Bug , Adam 'Bug' Hellerman si innocent yg slalu kena buli dgn others esp Brandon ats arahan Fang & seems like psyco giler, Jerome si buta, kwn si Bug, and Jay juga kawan pada Bug. Plot start masa diorg nak wat ritual konon2 nak hindar dr The Ripper ganggu diorg dgn tiap-tiap thun, salah seorg drpd Riverton Seven kena lawn dgn boneka Ripper khayalan diorg kat tepi sungai tpt kononnya The Ripper mati tak jauh dgn bangkai ambulance yg hangus dulu. Ritual itu Bug yg kena buat sbb dialah last person yg xpenah lawan boneka The Ripper sbelum ni. Tapi, si Bug xberani nak lawan sbb hakikatnya dia mmg penakut. Xsempat nak teruskan ritual sbb police dtg serbu tpt diorg.. & pd mlm itulah, bermulanya kekejaman The Ripper, bila sorang2 drpd the Riverton Seven mati kena tikam dgn the ‘vengeance’ pocket knife. Start dgn Jay, Penolope, Brandon & Brittany. Juga a few incident about how si Fang, si gothic girl yg seems like have a power to control other student, sbb sume org cam tkut giler ngan dia buli Bug. The klimaks begans when the truth about Bug has been revealed, as he is the son of Abel Plenkov. And Fang, who is the girl hate Bug most, always bully him just because she hate the innocent side of Bug , discover as her sister, Leah. Who is the real The Ripper? When just three of them still alive, Alex, Bug or Jerome? Or maybe Abel Plenkov not even dead 16 years ago. Watch this movie if u want to know the truth…

Overall, okay. Nice pick. Good movie…walaupun, cite ni dpt kritikan gak. Aku suka je tgk cite2 triller camni..tapi klu dah cite yg asyik bergelumang dgn darah manusia ni mmg gelilah. Nasib tak termuntah je…klu ada scene darah cepat je ak ttp muka ngan tangan. Klu de part terkejut cepat plak aku ttp mulut..takut termenjerit…haha…byk scene gak yg mcm nak gugur jantung, tapi korang xdengar aku jerit kan…hehe..well try tnya iela & aina…klu tak caya. Tp, cite ni xda la dasyat sgt sbb scene tikam or kelar bdn mangsa diorg xtunjuk pun…yg diorg tunjuk scene darah terpercik or mengalir je. Sikit klise ngan cite DID yg len..tp, unexpected ending gaklah. Tgk cite ni cam teringat kat cite Shrooms. Oh plus aku baru habis baca Detective Conan, Edisi Drama pentas, Roh dari Jalan Baker yg citenya berkisar pasal Jack The Ripper, one of Sherlock Holmes’s rival.
Oh lupe nak beritau, ktorg tengok cite ni bersembilan including Gha, Dayana, Aina, Ya, Jue, Iela, Naim & Abduh. All the imtiazian…& almost the same lepaking member…*wink..wink*

* overall story of part II will be post on the next entry…chill!!!
sebab xnak menghampakan harapan masing2 klu tgk narnia @ kak limah, 2 yg kami pilih cte lain tu..hahaha..dan pilihan dibuat oleh koi, dayana, aina n ya..
haha...gud choice then...:D
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