Well…well..its starting when I’m watching this anime on Animax 715. Such a cute anime..++ Its make me smile bcz of the character…Misaki Ayuzawa & Takumi Usui..
‘Being in form of lovers is too troublesome…’ that’s Usui’s words when anybody asking about her relationship with Misaki. But, seriously, I love his character…there are so many words can explain him…haha…

Its starting when Misaki Ayuzawa, who is President of Seika High School council, knowns as the most fierce, firm & stict pres esp with a guy..working as a maid in the café named Maid Latte. It is the biggest secret cz nobody in the school know about her work. She has to work becoz of her irresponsible father, leaving them with a huge debt. She lives with her mother & little sister, named Suzuna. The plot began when Usui Takumi, incidentally know about her secret & take advantage for her. Then, the relationship began to spread by one episode to another with the comedy + love + problem solving + conflict on them & the other character. Plus, Usui Takumi also has his own biggest secret, which can’t simply share with other people. On the early episode, seems like he is a mysterious guy. He capable on everything but nobody knows where he comes from, who his parents are & what kind of guy he is [Misaki usually ask him that question…and he also knowns as perverted outer-space alien by Misaki.]. Seriously, I am loved to watch this anime week by week. But the anime has ended few months ago.

Now, I just read the manga version through Manga Fox website in English translation…cz, in M’sia this manga type is imported base, so, the price is very expensive, average RM 40 ++ for one volume of Maid Sama…[Well, already survey at MPH, Kinokuniya, & Borders…]..Maybe, when it come out with Malay translation, the price little bit cheaper..i guess. The manga still ongoing…and I had downloaded all till the latest volume…hehe… well…I love repeated reading. But, really a marvelous manga…love it so much. ++ it helps me to improve my English then…

# As usual, plese avoid the grammar ++ vocabulary mistake….hehe ..chill!!!
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